The Journey so far.....

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September 26th

B - reporting

Had a delicious fried egg breakfast in the hotel, then set off. Small children continued to excitedly shout 'hello' as we passed.

We reached the end of the Whakam valley, and turned north towards Dushanbe. We had left the Pamirs, which felt very strange in a sort of  'end of holiday' feeling, though we still have thousands of kilometers to go...we had been talking about the Pamir Highway for years, and now it was behind us.

The road was pretty good as far as the final police checkpoint, then deteriorated badly. At one point it was just a single lane rocky track under an extremely unstable slope, rocks tumbling down as we drove past. As the sun sank out of sight we decided to stop for the night. G asked a woman in a village if there was a hotel, but she fell about laughing so we decided to camp, and eventually pulled into a grassy area after a small river crossing.

We ate cold tuna, peas and mayo under the romantic glow of the Afghani search lights, and went to bed early.

Left over from Afghan war

and another!

Take your pick

Lending a hand

Suckers for a camera!

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