The Journey so far.....

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October 18th

B - reporting

Goal for today: find the Toyota Dealership and get poor old Swiss Tony fixed! Damn those Kazak roads...what's the point of having all that Oil & Gas money if your populace has to drive over the surface of the @#%! moon? Oh right, the Oil & Gas  people travel around in private jets...

With the help of the internet (how did we ever manage without it?) we found the Toyota dealership...which was a lot less flash than we were expecting. G explained (largely in mime) the problem - suspension.

'Kazakhstan' he said, frowning.

'Ah, Kazakhstan,' they said, nodding, unsurprised that our suspension was broken.

After G had driven Swiss over the pit and many, many smoking Russian men all had a look, we were given cappucinos and a bar of chocolate by Alexandr, who phoned Misha, who apparently said 'OK' and we followed Alexandr across Volgograd to another garage, where more smoking Russians (in an even less flash garage) examined poor Swiss.

I ate the chocolate and kept out of the way, as due to the number of cigarettes and random men appearing, this all took ages. But, they will fix Swiss, and send us a text when ready.

So G and I went a-touristing. We wondered round Volgagrad, a really lovely city whose Luftwaffe-destroyed buildings have been restored beautifully.

We went to the Stalingrad Museum, which was sad and moving, as war museums should be.

Then headed back to our hotel, to wait for the call from the garage. G cut & pasted some cyrillic script into an SMS and we finally heard that Swiss will be ready at 10am tomorrow! Yay! We had sarnies and beer in our room, to celebrate.

The only remaining building from the siege,

war memorial

B at the Volga

G at the Volga

Defense of Stalingrad museum

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