The Journey so far.....

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June 30th

B reporting

We were awake v early and were down to breakfast as soon as the cafe opened at 8. 'American Breakfast' was offered: 2 fried eggs, 2 pcs white toast, and a large bowl of shredded cabbage with Thousand Island Dressing, plus juice & coffee. V tasty! The healthy eating can begin another time...

Took a cab to Seoul Station for the train to Busan. Staggered into the station with our massively heavy bags just as a monsoon shower began. It was literally like walking in a shower, huge warm raindrops. G got the tickets v quickly, but I could not find a phone that did not have a million Korean soldiers queueing for so we had to get the train without phoning Mr Joseph, our Shipping Agent, who was supposed to send me the contact details for the Agent who would be helping us free our truck from Customs.

The train was lovely: up to 270kph! I ordered 2 coffees by mime, very successfully! All those childhood games of Charades...

Mr Joseph had arranged for someone to meet us (Mr Hong) who drove us to the docks. It was all a bit confusing as he spoke hardly any English but he arranged for us to wait in the cool Customs office while he sorted stuff out and 3 hours later we had Swiss Tony! Somehow the keys were lost, but we had our set so could drive him off.

The traffic in Busan is crazy! Mr Hong had pointed us north, and after a lot of getting lost and confused (confusion is a recurring theme!) we found ourselves on an Expressway and accidentally ran a toll. This wasn't so busy, so we stayed on it, aiming for Pohang, a beach town recommended in Lonely Planet. We were expecting a small fishing village, but it turned out to be a huge, sparkly holiday town with an enormous illuminated steel works. Garish but fun!

The hotel - The Blue Ocean - was a great little motel right on the water with a view of the ocean. The first thing we did was destroy the rope curtains on the parking lot on our roofrack! Argh, how to explain this in sign language? But he hotel man seemed completely unworried, and happily offered us a room. No sheets, which is apparently normal for many motels. We have sleeping bags, so no worries!

Found a pub, which luckily had a menu with pictures on it, so ended a long and frazzling day very well with few cold beers - "Hite - cool and fresh!"
"Western Breakfast!

Train travel Korean Style.

Dinner on a small shovel???

Tired but I have my "hite - cool and fresh!"

The Motel in Pohang

Big screen TV computer fridge etc everything you expect in a budget motel

and a view of the ocean all for $55!


  1. Glad you made it. Welcome to monsoon weather :) its pretty hard to get anyone to believe how intense they are till you experience them first hand Hehe. Drive safe kids. Btw is hite any good?

  2. yep ru crazy rain followed by crazy humidity, and hite is ok way better than most cold and fizzy lagers and that's coming from someone who doesn't drink larger.
