The Journey so far.....

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September 18th

B - reporting

It was a very chilly morning, and nature called before the sun was properly above the eastern hills so at least we saw a lovely sunrise as we glugged down coffee. The drive south continued to be stunning, especially as on our way north the weather had been a bit cloudy. We now properly saw the gorgeous Tombstone Park, in a river valley with mountains ranging behind it.

Closer to 'civilization' (tarmac) we left the tundra, driving through the stunted trees of the north.

We didn't see any wildlife, though it is Huntin' season so we saw many groups of ATV-ers with big honking guns. It was also the time when the Porcupine Herd of cariboo are expected to migrate past the highway, and while I would have loved to see such an enormous massing of cariboo I was quite relieved I didn't witness lots of hunts.

I read in one of the local papers that the bears on the Dempster Highway are the only animals who run TOWARDS the sound gunshots, as they have learned that gunshots = dead cariboo and apparently bears stealing carcasses are a common hazard for local hunters!

We reached the tarmac after lunch, filled up with gas then headed south. Most of the campsites and 'touristy' stops are closed for the season, which while we were not planning on gold panning would have loved some coffee and snacks! However we stopped to camp at Tatchun Creek, by a river, and while still chilly was a lot warmer than the night before!

Tombstone Park

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