The Journey so far.....

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September 16th

B - reporting

After a night in a v comfy bed, punctuated only by me frequently getting up to see if the Northern Lights were happening*, we woke in our lovely rustic cabin. It was great to have a non-travelling day, and we relaxed with coffee and TV before walking into Inuvik, about 2km.

It was Sunday, and the town was pretty much closed, but we had a really good time wondering around, looking at the coloured houses, and overground utility pipes**, and enjoying the general Arcticosity of the day. There are 5 places of worship (including a mosque) in this small town, but services were over by noon and then the supermarket/general store/clothing store/bakery/Pizza Hut/KFC (all in the same building) opened so we had coffee with about 50 elderly men and purchased some food.

We headed back for toasted cheese sarnies and tea, then went for a walk around the lake. It's really quite flat round here, though you can see snow-capped mountains on the western horizon. And it's surprisingly (well, to me) forested, with small arctic trees where I expected snowy bare tundra. Still v beautiful though.

Back in our rustic cabin, G did some car sorting and I cooked sausages, which we had with lovely Smoking Loon wine for a v civilized last day North.

* they weren't
** they were interesting, really!

Inuvik Houses

Above Ground Plumbing!

Post office (i know its just too exciting!)

The igloo church

Little mosque on the tundra!

1 comment:

  1. Ah!! That Mosque is there! I followed it in when it was on a moving truck... was pretty slow and impressive! :) Saw that mosque back on TV on Radio-Canada and then in the news (like or something like that) !
