The Journey so far.....

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July 13th

G - Reporting

So not sure if it was an early start today or a very late one, as I woke at 3:45am and they had us boarding at 4:10am!

The ferry was huge and much as I wanted to crawl into the back of the car and go back to sleep we had to go upstairs so clutching bags and cameras we head up to deck 8 and found a couple of recliners and settled in for the trip, failing to go back to sleep I logged into the free wifi and wasted some time on the web for the next couple of hours, then spent the next 4 hours alternatively drinking coffee and going outside for bracing weather.

B enjoyed the outside way more than me and managed to see whales and dolphins while all I saw was water!

Docking just after lunch in Port aux Basques a pretty but treeless port we hit the road as we wanted to be in St johns 908km away by the next day to make our accommodation booking, deciding to check out the rest of the island on the way back, so by 6 totally exhausted we pulled into a private campground and after a brief panic that they had no spaces they found us one and we ate dinner showered and crashed.

Sunrise on board

North Sydney

One of the Huge Car Decks

Port aux Basques

Port aux Basques


  1. Hey! Just seen your truck in Saint John. Drop me a line if you have time to chat over a beer. 644-9870. I live in SJ for 10 years now, but from Kiev Ukraine originally. Cheers! Yevgen Yevsyeyev.

    1. Hi Yevgen

      Thanks for your message unfortunately we only spent a few hours in St John before heading for Maine.

      We did however enjoy Ukraine very much spending time in the Crimea and Odessa which was my favorite even managed to go to the opera :-) alas we didn't get to Kiev.

      All the best


  2. Hi There! My partner and I saw your truck in the hotel parking in Quebec. We wanted to say hi and if you are around a bit and wanted to grab a beer with two other travelers feel free to drop me an email at or text at 604-897-8191. We are also from BC so it would be awesome to say hi in real life :) Have a wonderful adventure!!
